Another weekend flew by, but that’s ok it’s time to get back at it. I am super excited because my hometown made it to the state basketball playoffs. I had the opportunity to catch them in the regional tournament and it always great to see so many of your home folk. It was like my entire family and many of my old friends were there. As I mentioned to you before our families and friends are the most important aspect of our lives. School is important, but it is secondary. While I am talking about family and friends, I hope each of you get to take some time to enjoy your folks during spring break. This is certainly not the time to think about work. Take time to relax and enjoy yourself.
This week we’ll be taking mock exams in Algebra I as well as the official SAT school day. Both of these exams will take place on Wednesday. Remember, if you have students taking any of these exams to offer them encouragement. Please encourage them to do their best as well as ease them of the stressors that often accompany these type of assessments.
Another big event we will host this week is the “You Matter: Keeping Your Teen Safe” Rally from 6-7:30 pm. If you have children or just want to see what the LIGHT Counseling team has to say about our youth and ways to keep them safe please come out to this event. One of the big topics is suicide. Unfortunately, we have a few students who have these thoughts. This event can help all of us help our students when they deal with things that negatively impact them.
Dig deep for your big smiles this week. Let’s wear jeans all week and smile big for our students! Have a great week!
Go Rangers!