Children are the hope of our future. Because of them we know that our world will have a future. The great thing about teachers is that you have the ability to directly impact their future. I’m a thankful that I get to work with individuals that make an impact on our students daily. Some of them frustrate us at times but we all know our why and that it takes all of us to ensure a hopeful future for all of them.
We salute you this week at NFHS. We salute you because you care. We salute you because you show love. We salute you because some of you are the best thing some of them have.
As I reflect on Mother’s Day I think about my dear mother who passed on 4 years ago. She was a teacher, the only job she ever had. She woke up every single day ready to educate students. I watched her grade papers essays at the kitchen table, tired but still had a spark in her eyes because she was a teacher. I watched her call parents on Sunday night to let them know the areas their students were struggling in…and some would bring them to the house to get it corrected right away ( Do not do this, we lived in a rural community where everyone knew everyone).
Teaching is still one of the greatest professions known to man. Thank you for all you do! We are near the finish line and I know you are tired. Hold your head up and keep making an impact in your classroom. Keep the learning rolling!
Have a great week!